
(I. Want. A. Field. And. A. Tree. With. A. Treehouse.)
(A forest would be nice too.)

I’ve decided the best thing to do with all the online stuff that inspires me is to create a Pinterest, as suggested to me previously.

I opened it yesterday.
It’s become sort of an addiction for the time being.

I’m sure I’m going to continue to use it as I stumble across things that inspire me.

And I can open the stuff saved on my computer in the internet explorer, so those inspiration pictures can go up too!
Edit: Apparently they’re not proper URLs. Damn.
More inspiration posts to come, then! (:  

Here’s my Pinterest link! Lots of arty and interior-y stuff up already!!

Feel free to have a looksee, and add me if you have one so that I can see yours! (Or attach a link to your comment!)


Inspiration: Paper

There is so much you can do with paper.

Papier Mache
… you get the idea.

I love the simplicity of a piece of white paper and the opportunities it gives for creativity. A clean slate.
I suppose that’s partly the appeal of minimalism.

Continuing with my ‘inspiration folders’ (please click on the tab for more) here is what I’d like to try with paper.
Again, I’m afraid I can’t remember where everything came from, so please tell me if you know (:

Jointed ‘cut out dolls’ by Mulberry. Remember the paper dolls you can hook little paper clothes over?
I was named after one of those my mum had when she was small (:


Illustration, basically. I love it. I should do some more.


 Just a lovely, simple, effective pen and watercolour.


Alice in Wonderland.
And I love book art.
It’s so beautiful and dainty (:
I might try something like this in my diary.


Origami. Unicorn.
Enough said.


Very simple, just colouring in the gaps – but what a pretty effect!


Again with the illustration thing.
Plus it’s a cupcake.
And an owl.


Ooooh, pretty lettering.
I’m a bit rubbish at lettering so this is some good inspiration for me.


Quilling, ooooh.


These (above and below) are by a lecturer in my uni.
How to make architectural drawings pretty, basically.

Just beautiful.


Another reminder that I need to draw more often.


How. Amazing. Is. This????


Grayson Perry.
Fashion Illustration.
Something else I love that I never do!


I have these (above and below) saved as GWH- a reference to the name.
I love love love sketchbooks.
Any sort of book really.
And any sort of art.
So for me, this is perfect! Look how beautiful these paintings combined with embroidery and lettering are!


Simple, yet effective. This is the top of writing paper I believe.

Reminds me of primary school (:


Simple and pretty- I think musical paper instantly makes things even nicer too (:


Beautiful illustration. I like the effect of all the thin lines.


My friend who I shall refer to as ‘Lozzy’ from my course drew these.
Just lovely.


This is from the gallery on ‘A Donna Thing’.
Paint, Amy, Paint!



Finally, Peter Callesen. Simple to look at but amazing.



Which are your favourites?
What/who is your inspiration?

Possessions: Lotions and Potions

For more in my ‘Possessions’ series, please click on the tab!


This time, I’m going to show you my beauty products including ‘bath stuff’ and makeup.
However, this is not a post showing you extensive amounts of the stuff. For that, there are a good few on youtube.
This is because I have minimalistic tendancies, and I think I have too much compared with what I need, and I’m trying to ‘use it up’!


First of all, this is my ‘product box’. That’s what we’ll call it anyway. I like bits of clutter like this hidden away. They were in a fold-up ‘ikea box’ with no lid, but this scattered them about and they were always in view, which annoys my head! I went to see my friend (at who has all these gorgeous little ‘briefcases’ to store things. This one was about three pounds from a local shop. I’m going to cover it in papers and things, make it a bit ‘vintagey’ looking. It’s about 30 by 20 cm by 10 cm big, the perfect size.

Just, at the moment, it’s overflowing slightly while I narrow down the amount of stuff I’m keeping.

I’m not going to throw out any of this unless it’s used up. I’m sure no one would buy any of it from a charity shop, but if a friend needs something I have duplicates of, then it’s theirs.


This is my largest ‘collection’ of anything. Nail stuff. Thing is, I don’t actually wear nail varnish all that often – especially when it’s term time – because it just chips really easily and annoys me. However, I’m trying to be just that little bit more ‘girly’, and I also love the new trend of pastel nails. (I know, trend following. Not good.)
I could live without all of this though. Although I’m sort of craving a (decent, mine’s rubbish) baby pink varnish and coral varnish, I’m not going to get them. Unless someone buys one for me for a birthday (November) or Christmas gift. Or I could swap one of mine with a friend? In my life, however, I’d like to have the clear one/hardener, the white tip thing and one or two varnishes. If I have a good enough moisturiser I don’t need the cuticle butter (although it is lovely- and smells of lemons (: ) and the remover is wasted on me because I pick it all off if there’s so much as a scratch. (Desperately trying not to at the moment- I have pink, green and yellow nails at the moment. From yesterday morning. Chipped.)

I might pour the avon thing (which isn’t actually varnish- it’s more like almond oil) into the base/top coat pot and mix it in. Good plan. And chuck the pink. And give the remover to my mum. 

At the moment, 11 nail products. 

Aim: less than 6


These are my ‘smellies’. I don’t like the idea of spraying chemicals onto myself, but I also like to smell nice.
Since originally planning this post (I had photos taken before but things have changed), I’ve used up one perfume.
I’m taking the ‘Charlie’ to festivals, and it’s also nice to have something quick to spray on before heading out, or if I’ve been around people who smoke. I wont replace this when it’s gone.
The (looovely) Cherry Tree perfume from L’Occitane was a present from my mum for getting into my uni about a year ago. It’s nearly gone.
Then I’m going to work my way down the right hand side. I did have another mini sample (from Body Shop) that I used up/leaked during Beach Break. ( ).
Then there’s a mini roll on version from my first ever perfume (before the one I’ve just finished) which is lovely.
Next is Rosemary oil. We’re breaching into the ‘not so chemical-ly zone now’. I might smell like an old lady’s bedroom. Nothing wrong with that..
And then Lavender oil. Personally, I love the smell. But then might be the time to get a new perfume.

At the moment, 6 ‘perfumes’.

Aim: 1


Here’s my makeup selection. I went for tinted moisturiser rather than foundation, I wanted to be a bit kinder to my skin. It’s a tad on the dark side for my face though.. And I also have bronzer left over from a few years ago, which I put on with a brush left over from a mineral foundation. When these have run out, I reckon I’m going to go back to ‘Maybelline dream matt mouse’ which really worked for me when I had it. BUT. If you know of something similar that’s all natural and good for you and the planet, please comment below! I don’t like to cover my face in foundation, I just use it as a sort of concealer.

The lip gloss was given to me as an extra because my face went all red and puffy in the shop. Haha! It’s getting a bit sticky now. Usually I don’t use lip stuff, apart from lip balm.

Then there’s a bright. red. lipstick. I’m not sure as to whether it actually suits me. Might ask a friend. All I know is that I feel like an idiot when I wear it because I’m not used to it. Maybe I’ll try and swap that with a friend for another?

The  mini eyeshadows are Barry M in a greeny black (for my goth days) and a baby shiny pink. I don’t wear them often. I’m thinking of getting one in bronze too, that I think I will use more and I can also use it as a bronzer when this one runs out. And add it to clear nail varnish (;

Mascara – no idea what make, but my eyelashes are blonde, so it’s a bit of a must have for me if I don’t want to look dead.
Eyeliner- just died ): was a mac one. I’m going to get a pen sort of eyeliner. Please read again the blonde eyelash thing.

If you have any suggestions for great mascara or eyeliner that’s ok for sensitive skin, actually shows up and is preferably natural, please say so below!! 

At the moment, (from this photo) 9 makeup items.

Aim: 7


I’m trying to use these up (without wasting them). I’m trying to work out what sort of ‘face cleaner’ works for me. These are a bit of a hassle (and huge). Wipes end up in the bin but are extremely quick and useful. Face wash dries out my (sensitive) skin, and a lot are bad for the environment (little plastic balls in them, etc). I have all three at the moment (wipes for festivals).
What do you suggest? 

At the moment, + 3

Aim: 1 of these things.


This is my ‘festival stash’. (The spray is the same one as earlier.)

After summer:
The hand gel will replace the one (below) in my bag that’s running out.
The facewipes (mentioned above) will be useful and will go quickly.
The spray has nearly gone.
The toothbrush is a spare from my friend (I forgot mine when I went to stay..) so is ideal to pack and I can use it after mine’s dead.
The little bottles are mixtures of shampoo and scrub that are so out of date they could probably be binned. Or used.
The henna was out of date when I bought it and has been open since Sonisphere, but I’m going to use it at Reading too (if it still works), then bin.

At the moment, 6 (excluding spray) festival things.

Aim: 0


One word: Oops.

I bought the first (‘boho’) dry shampoo for Beach Break, and find it really useful anyway. Then I came back and (reference to the no-lidded box) it decided to roll all the way to the back of my ‘bed drawers’, so I thought I’d lost it. I bought the ‘nude’ one (99p) for Sonisphere, and realised AFTER that I’d bought some form of bizarre powder form. So used my friend’s shampoo instead (try working out how to use that weird nozzle thing with no mirror in a tent.) I bought the ‘tropical’ one recently, and then found the original. As you do.
But, as much as I don’t like sprays and their effect on the environment, these are really useful and I know I’ll use them all by this time next year. Easily.

And the sun cream- apparently they go out of date after a year. Well sod that. They’re annoying enough as it is without having to throw out a basically full bottle. For health and safety reasons, I think I should keep at least the sun cream. But the after sun would go to waste if I didn’t, unless I find someone who wants it?  Oh, and I’m not overprotective of it, they were buy one get one free and my mum requested I labelled mine so we’d know who’s was who’s on holiday last year!

Summer stuff at the moment = 5

Aim: 2 or less


‘Health’ stuff. Kinda.

Tweezers, nail file = necessities.
Gonna chuck the pink file. It doesn’t even work any more!
Hand cleanser thing from Body Shop – good idea to carry about for those unexpected picnics/bird droppings/oil pastel smudges. Running out.
Asthma inhaler.
Thomas Sabo freebie lip balm = amazing. + Vaseline – essential? + Body shop lip balm. Only need one.
Massive passion fruit moisturiser – pain in the arse to lug about. And my face doesn’t like this one. But it was on offer.
‘Hand’ solid hand cream from ‘lush’- perfect for uni and actually works. In (now broken) soap dish tied with a bobble.
Cocoa butter hand cream- will use as moisturiser after body shop one, and also good for festivals/bag.
Tablets in case I want to go (slowly) back on them.
Concealer pen- useful for bag, but wont need when I have the one foundation I want.
Albus oil- mainly for printing (art) but useful for colds!
Deodorant x 2 (one isnt an antiperspirant 😐 ) and blades.

This total at the moment: 17

Aim: 8 or less


These are what typically lives in my bag from the above.

Hair. I don’t like using products on my hair, but serum is good to stop my curly locks looking frizzy.
I’ve had the brush since I was about 6. It matches my best friend since birth’s comb (: and also holds my bobbles.

2 items.

Aim: 2


Finally, ‘bathroom stuff’. Body puff thing, 2 cherry body washes and a soap. Working my way through them (;
Gonna chuck the veet probably. It doesn’t work on me. And I bought the comb recently because apparently brushing your hair when it’s wet is bad for you. But I’m not going to get rid of my brush, so might get rid of this. :S Dunno.
Everything else is self explanatory.  Face wash mentioned earlier.

This total: 11

Aim: 6 or less.


Overall total of beauty/hygiene stuff: SEVENTY??? oh my actual gosh. 

My aim: I would like to have no duplicates, and apart from a tiny selection of things at home, continue to carry my makeup and moisturiser about with me, for those unplanned sleepovers and nights out (: That’ll take it down to about 33, by the time I go back to uni (or less, hopefully).

Ok. Suggestions?

Edit: Since completing this post a mere 5 mins ago, I’ve mixed the body shop moisturiser, the after sun and the lipgloss (which was mainly shea butter apparently) together. I’ve also mixed together the two clear nail varnishes. I’ve chucked the broken eyeliner (but will replace) and the pink nail file. This brings the total down to 65 (:

I’ll tell you what I’ve got down to when October starts!

Book review: ‘A Painted House’ by John Grisham

A Painted House

A Painted House is a February 2001 novel by American author John Grisham.

Inspired by his childhood in Arkansas,[1] it is Grisham’s first major work outside the legal thriller genre in which he established himself. Set in the late summer and early fall of 1952, its story is told through the eyes of seven-year-old Luke Chandler, the youngest in a family of cotton farmers struggling to harvest their crop and earn enough to settle their debts. The novel portrays the experiences that bring him from a world of innocence into one of harsh reality.

That’s off wikipedia. Obviously.
The image is taken from the  author’s official site. (Not the same cover as mine)

This is the first book I’ve read from my ‘to read’ pile since starting this post:

I stopped reading about 2/5ths of the way in.

It took me some time to read, even though I’m a really quick reader. I’m not likely to read it again.

I put it down, read ‘HP7’ for the second or third time in a matter of days, then went back to ‘A Painted House’. I read a page or 2 while thinking of other things and decided it wasn’t for me, which I guess I knew anyway.

The book said it was a best seller on the front cover so I thought it would get better and ploughed (ha ha, cotton farmers) on.
Just to make sure, I flicked to random pages later on and it all seemed similar.

The book just didn’t hook me enough.

I liked the idea of it, the storyline is okay it just needs to be more gripping.

‘A Painted House’ seems like a good summertime read, and it makes you appreciate your time (in comparison with the characters – and also the time it takes to re read each paragraph!).
I would bother watching it as a film but unless it had the drama emphasised and there was a great director behind the scenes it still wouldn’t be amazing.

If I didn’t have such a big pile I would keep reading this book; it isn’t bad, it’s just not gripping in the same way ‘Lord of the Rings’ wasn’t. The font inside doesn’t help matters either- quite pale and stretched out.

Verdict: wouldn’t bother reading again unless nothing else there. Not going to keep.

Crafting with Crochet

Hi (: How are you all enjoying your July?

Here’s another inspiration post for you-  Crochet this time!

It’s another one from my saved pictures on the laptop, so once again I’m afraid that I don’t have the maker’s names ):

Please tell me if you know in the comments below!

First of all, some squares- the reason for my sudden interest in crochet about a year ago.
Pretty, huh?


This is part of a shawl, but can also be used as a square.
I love neutral colours at the moment, and this looks leafy and natural too!


Some gorgeous flowers (: How adorable would the top left be on a baby beanie?


Loving the pansy. So realistic.


Hairbands are really easy to create- just a few lines backwards and forwards (:


Some fun things- I love the apple coasters and they look easy, too!


I bet these jar/candle holders cast a lovely, magical pattern.
And you have to love the snowflake.
(I know it’s July, shhh!) 

Somehow, I think I need to have a flick through one of these:

Which were your favourites?

Keep tuned in for some beautiful paper art, coming up soon!

Possessions: Books and DVDs

For the rest of my ‘possessions’ series, please click on the tag (:

A while ago, I went through all my books. I had heaps.
I love reading, but I also love using the library.
Most of my books, I’d never read before, and they were sitting in an overgrowing ‘read me’ pile.
You might know, that when you have a list or a pile that big, you don’t know where to start, so you avoid it.
So I’ve narrowed the heap.

*   *   *

Lets start with my music books.
I play piano, violin, guitar and sing. And I used to play recorder (;


 This was my initial heap. I didn’t do much to it, just took out some piano books that were dumped on me that I never look at.

After:My ‘random’ pile. Old songbooks from my bands, which have gone into my memory box,
and a music theory book which will come in handy.

Piano, all of which I play or want to play. Favourite being ‘Le Onde’, by Einaudi.

Violin. My mum has my older grade books to learn from.
And yes, that piece is colour coded. It’s Praeludium und Allegro. You’ll understand if you know it.

As for guitar, I’m pretty much done with those books. Ebay for them, internet for me.
*   *   *

This was my DVD and computer (PC) game pile.
This is what it looks like now (sorry for the fuzzy phone photos ): )
Vamoosh go the computer games.
And my high school’s production of Sweeney Todd into my memory box.
*   *   *

Magazines. Charity shop/friends. Vamoosh.

*   *   *

Ok, so now we’re on to books.

This was my ‘to read before you decide if you’re going to keep or not’ pile.

Below is what I reduced it to.
Much better. And more realistic.

These are my Architecture books, which I’m at least keeping until I’ve finished my degree.
(there’s another one too, ‘A Place of My Own’, which my dad is borrowing.)

I’m also keeping these. When they’re done, they’re going into the memory box.
Do you not yet know of my minor obsession with diaries?
That might remind you (;

These were saved from being thrown out by my ex’s dad.
Arent they pretty?
I have a post coming up sometime with some lovely photos from them 🙂
Also where the last two diaries came from.
They’ve gone to charity/my dad. I’m keeping the fairy tales.

*   *   *

Here is where we have to split them into categories for the ‘befores’.







and Psychology:


Here’s what I decided to definitely keep (for now, at least.):

And here’s what was added to the ‘read before decision’ pile:
I loved ‘Carrie’s War’ when I was little.
I’m currently reading ‘A Painted House’
(alongside rereading HP7)

Of course, I’m definitely keeping these (;
Gotta show the kids, innit (;
*   *   *
So. This is what my ‘keep’ shelf looks like:
(The top one shown, plus the two on the right at the bottom.
The rest are my mum’s (which I also read).)

Below is what my desk/wardrobe surface now looks like.
All my architecture + ‘to read’ books. (And DVDs for now)

I better get a move on. My summer holiday is only 2 months longer (;

Possessions: Jewellery

I took these photos AGES ago, meaning to post them that week. Oops.
This is one of my ‘possessions’ posts. Click on the tag to find the others!

This is a really old post, from before the big sorts, and also a little shopping spree..
I don’t know why it wasn’t published then..
I thought it still might be nice to show you though?


This ^ is my watch.
I wear it all the time (basically). It’s my only one.
It’s DKNY from Debenhams and it was an 18th birthday present off my ex.
He said he chose this one for me because it looks like the milky way. Love it.
I had this watch after my old one from my sister completely fell apart.
Screen smashed, then months later the hands fell off, and the clasp came undone all the time.

Here it’s resting on my favourite top, from Topshop.
My desk, radiator and laptop are in the background.

This is my ‘wear all the time’ necklace.
No idea where the chain’s from, but the hanger and charm are Thomas Sabo.
I love charm bracelets, I have loads of other charms which are old pendants etc. None of the others are designer or anything.
One’s quite nice to have though.
And it’s a leaf. I love trees.
I am not, however, in as much love with my hair follicles in this picture.

Or my hairy arms in this, either.
This was a charm bracelet, a present for like my twelfth birthday from my friend since birth.
The tiny charms (there were about five) all fell off one by one. I managed to save a tiny heart, it’s in my little jewellery box.
I wear this all the time. Apart from when I had some henna drying on my hand, I  haven’t taken it off in a few years.

 Apologies muchly for the awful, fuzzy photo. ):

This was the rest of my jewellery.
Left to right: Homemade button necklace
Bundled heart/locket necklace – birthday from ex
Heart/’pearl’ clock necklace – Miss Selfridge
Little ‘stacking doll’ best friend necklace – Claire’s Accessories
Amethyst necklace – from ex
Fairy necklace – from ex’s mum (16th birthday)
Pendant necklace – birthday from friend
Cup and spoon necklace – from for birthday
Mirror necklace – Topshop
Heart necklace – Asda
Rings: off ex and mum.
Bracelets were all presents. Bottom left is my charm bracelet.
I’ll do another post just on my charm bracelet. It deserves one.

Below is what my jewellery heap looked like after a bit of editing.
Lots of pendants bundled together in my bracelet and the necklace.
(The rings are still there too)

 If you would like to see any of my jewellery in more detail, please ask and I’ll do some lovely closeup shots (:

I’ve also bought this jewellery last week (on sale in Accessorize. I ‘needed’ some more dress jewellery. And I love all of these, and have worn each more than once already. Also, jewellery doesn’t take up much space, and I haven’t bought any in aaaages, so it’s ok. I don’t plan to for another few years!)

These are my hair things.
Everything on the top row is from Accessorize, apart from the bows (Asda) and the brown hairband
(somewhere in Majorca)
The pink scarf used to be my sister’s (:

This is what I’ll be keeping, as soon as my sister’s wedding is out of the way (;

please see my recent ‘possessions’ post for the update!

What I Was Wearing this Week

– I REMEMBERED! For a whole week!

Andandandand- I’ve tried a bit harder on the photo front this time.

I must apologise, however, for the lateness. I was out all of yesterday, edited the photos and then fell asleep.

But here they are today!

(And I’m sure you’ll let me off seeing as I tried so hard this week!)


Thursday 14th July 2011:



Necklace: Accessorize
Tshirt: River Island
Jeans:  Miss Selfridge?  
 Mess of a face: Me
Painting: Me (A level)


Friday 15th July:


Necklace: Accessorize (same one)
Dress: H&M
Watch: DKNY
Wet Hair: Shower
Festival wristbands & tiny gold and silver bracelets.
Nails: chipped. Barry M with some white ‘manicure’ dots. 


Saturday 16th July:

What, actually, is this pose?
Also, please note chubby no makeup face and bruise on arm (festival).

Satin feeling top: Topshop. Overpriced but lovely material and I wanted a nice, normal top. 
(However, there is a slit all the way down the back. Which I might sew up.
And it’s 2 sized too big for me because I’m such a numpty I didn’t bother to check.)
Owl necklace: Topshop.
Dress thing: Topshop
Leggings: H&M

(Also, check out my watch mark! You can see my suntan! And my dirty mirror!) 


Sunday 17th July:

The one on the right is BEFORE I sorted my hair out. Grr crazy fringe.
..This last picture shows some details of what I wanted to wear.
But then I just put my ‘lets mong about and make stuff’ clothes on, which didn’t really go.
Necklace: Accessorize
Pants: Anne Summers
Socks: Accessorize (sale)
Festival Hairband: New Look

Wrist weights: (trying to remove podgyness of arms) charity shop
Tshirt: Hollister
Leggings: H&M


Monday 18th July:



Top/dress: River Island
Necklace: Miss Selfridge?
Belt: BHS
Leggings: H&M
Watch & Bracelets: As before
Bag: Charity shop (Emmaus Bristol)
Straight hair: effort.


Tuesday 19th July:

Dress: H&M (yes, it’s the same one as Friday)
Long necklace: Topshop
Short necklace: Lots of old pendants
Watch: DKNY (as before)
Festival wristbands: Beach Break Cardiff VIP and Sonisphere Knebworth
I also bothered to wear my 2 rings, but you cant see them ):


Wednesday 20th July:

This is where I take the photos. I’m standing on my bed. The two paintings are from A level Art.



I LOVE my charm bracelet. (The silver one)

I’m usually too scared to wear it out.
I have a weird OCD thing about it, where I have to keep counting to check they’re all still there.
I bought the other charm bracelet in the accessorize sale.

I wore them both yesterday (:

 Bunny Jumper, worn back to front: Miss Selfridge
Skirt: Was long shorts from Primark, ripped apart and sewn up again by me
Leggings: H&M

Thanks for visiting! What did you think?(of the outfits and photos)

Inspiration Foundations

I have a heap of beautiful, inspirational photos and pictures saved on my computer, in an ‘inspiration’ folder.

It’s kinda like a tumblr, although I don’t have one of those.
(I do see why they are appealing but I don’t want to add yet another thing to update in my life, especially online!)

I’m going to be blogging these one theme at a time.
(I’ll also be sharing those sites saved in my favourites bar)

When I’m done I’ll have an inspiration post weekly or at least fortnightly.
This way it’ll also be a lot easier to keep track on where the images come from.
(For that, I apologise. If you know, PLEASE tell me in the comments).

This time, I’m showing you other people’s artwork. I have the names of some of the artists, some others can be read within the photo
and I apologise profusely for those unnamed artists.
Please do not steal their work. Treat them as copywrighted and use them for inspirational purposes only.

These are from the Art Foundation Diploma that I studied at, in Cardiff at UWIC. Exhibitions are years 2010 and 2011.

These first few are sketchbooks (I think by the same person).
I love sketchbooks. Absolutely love them. Easily the best part of Art A level for me.
Probably the main reason I’m so into diaries now.

 Above and below: I love how (she?) combines beautiful drawings with writings and textures.
The borders around the artwork (s)he’s referencing are a nice way to make a page more aesthetic.

(That fabric is my dress ^)

Above: By Ruth Hepburn (I hope)
I really love the intricacy of these cutout pieces, their illustrative effect and the way they are used as windows to the graphics behind.
The sketchbook also looks pretty cool (;

Below: By Louise Thomas
I like this for similar reasons. The time and effort it took to cut these out (I’m assuming with a scalpel) was worth it.

Both of these inspire me to do some book art, make an engraving, 3d picture etc. And that story (see my ‘checklist’ in the top bar).
For you: have a look at Peter Callesen. (Likely to feature in a later post). His paper art is amazing.

I dont know who this is by (anyone??)
But again- a sketchbook.
And I love embroidered illustration. I believe this is an example. (2010 picture)
At some point in the near future, I’m going to whip out my sewing machine and do some of this.
(More examples of embroidered illustration coming up in a future inspiration post.)

I really like this sculpture in the middle.
That optical illusion thing is pretty cool as a 3d model.
And I love the words, they’re poetic and phenomological.
(Yeah, that’s a big word. I learnt it this year during my architecture degree. Look it up.)



There’s something about these that weirds me out a little, but also inspires me to try and paint a face for the first time in years.

This is so cute (:
It was so little in person.
Also inspires me to paint.
There’s a heap of canvasses upstairs…

This is a shoddy photo. Pretty cool sculpture thing though.

Very architectural (;

Lovely little paintings. Beautiful colours.
Paint, Amy, PAINT!

Again with the embroidered illlustrations.
I also love children.
(This is maternity wear)

And again below.

Beautiful illustrations.

Dovile Surpyte

Now. I’m not heavily into fashion, but one thing I would love to be able to do well is fashion illustration.
I have done a bit, but these are fab. Look at those faces!
(I’m going to have to put my portfolio up on here at some point, aren’t I?)

What do you like from above?
What inspires you?
What type of art is yours?

Keep tuned for some more inspiration (: